Joseph D'Agnese

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THE GIRLS OF ATOMIC CITY ad in The New Yorker. Yes, The New Yorker

An advertisement for The Girls of Atomic City appears in this week’s issue of The New Yorker.

This blew us away. The media hits on Denise’s book have been pretty good. Every day seems to bring a new one. By far, I think, the NPR interview (which you can hear here) did the most to announce the book, but there have been good reviews in Shelf Awareness, Book Page, Geekadelphia, USA Today, and um, a few others that escape me at the moment. In the last couple of days there have also been: invites to do an Irish radio talk show, more US radio show interest, three TV appearance invites, not to mention creepy notes from freaky dudes checking out my wife online. (We reported you, a-hole). And there will be a few other media things happening in the cities she’s visiting this month (DC, NYC, Oak Ridge).

On the marketing side, this ad, and the ones running on, are obviously the publisher’s doing.

Neither Denise nor I have ever gotten this much pub week press for a title of ours, so it’s really educational. I’m actually impressed by the impact that blogs can have on this. A lot of the enthusiastic bloggers turn out to be librarians or freelancers who go on to file their reviews with larger outlets, such the book trade press. And then they of course post those same reviews on Goodreads. It’s interesting also to see a lot of Atomic City “extended alumni”—people whose parents or grandparents worked at the site featured in the book are turning up as well.

So it’s been cool.

More later as I digest this all.


Still cranking on my latest book. Going well. Not much else to report.