Merry Christmas, Happy New Year—and thank you!

Every year at this time my editors and clients seem to disappear, and if I’m lucky I can get in a week, maybe two, of decent work without interruptions. But I’m finding it hard to concentrate this morning, the first day back from the long weekend, hence this quick note. There’s no doubt in my mind that 2015 was an annus horribilis for our family. We lost three family members, which impacted the manner in which we celebrated Christmas this year, and the tenor of our thoughts during the entire season.

We also lost precious time in 2015. My output was severely curtailed by caregiving, estate settling, and our own move to a new home late in the year. But we got through it all. A ghostwriting client materialized in the last half of the year, miraculously boosting my own earning. 

Through it all, there were still some bright spots. The Derringer winThe appearance in Best American Mystery Stories anthology. And the belated award for my chidren’s picture book. So I can't really complain. I also managed to complete the first draft of a new novel. Yes, I realize that isn’t saying much. I’m very good at doing first drafts; I have three sitting on my hard drive that are crying out for attention. But when the ghost gig evaporates in spring, I hope to polish this new book and pass on to my agent.

I am incredibly grateful to those of you who have supported my writing and who have taken the time to stop by this blog from time to time. You are among my most loyal readers and followers. Here’s a wish that 2016 is a better year for us all.