Please be aware that many of my bios that appear elsewhere online may be outdated or inaccurate. The following bios are the only ones I update on a regular basis, so they should be accurate for your purposes.


Joseph D'Agnese is a journalist, author and ghostwriter who has written for both adults and children alike. He's probably best known for his books about the signers of the Declaration of Independence (Signing Their Lives Away), personal finance for freelancers (The Money Book for Freelancers), and an award-winning children's picture book on Fibonacci Sequence (Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci). He has won a Derringer Award for his short mystery fiction, and one of his stories appeared in the Best American Mystery Stories 2015 anthology, guest-edited by author James Patterson. D'Agnese lives with his wife in North Carolina.


Joseph D'Agnese is an award-winning journalist who has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Saveur, This Old House, and many other publications.

In a career spanning more than twenty years, his work has been honored with awards in three vastly different areas—science journalism, children's literature, and mystery fiction.

His science writing, which has appeared in Discover, Seed and Wired, was twice named to the annual anthology, Best American Science Writing (HarperCollins).

His children's book about the Fibonacci Sequence, Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci (Henry Holt), was an honoree for the Mathical Book Prize—the first-ever prize for math-themed children's books.

His crime fiction has appeared in or sold to Shotgun Honey, Beat to a Pulp, Plots With Guns, Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine, Mystery Weekly, and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine. He's a three-time nominee for the Derringer Award for short mystery fiction—and won the award in 2015. Another story, "Harm and Hammer," which first appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, was selected by author James Patterson for inclusion in the prestigious anthology, Best American Mystery Stories 2015.

D'Agnese is probably best known for three books—on vastly different topics. The first is a book about the signers of the Declaration of Independence (Signing Their Lives Away: The Fame & Misfortune of the Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence, published by Quirk Books). The second is a personal finance book for freelancers and independent workers (The Money Book for Freelancers, published by Random House). The third is his delightful children's picture book about the Fibonacci Sequence.

He lives in North Carolina with his wife, Denise Kiernan, the New York Times Bestselling author of The Girls of Atomic City.



Best American Science Writing (HarperCollins, 2002)

Best American Science Writing (HarperCollins, 2003)

Annual Editions, Physical Anthropology (McGraw-Hill, 2002-2003)

Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers (Prentice Hall, 2003)

Best American Mystery Stories 2015 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)



Educational Press Association Award

Genesis Award, Humane Society, 2003, for article on chimp sanctuaries, Discover Magazine

Derringer Award Finalist, 2014, for "Bloody Signorina," Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine (September 2013).

Derringer Award Winner, 2015, for "How Lil' Jimmie Beat the Big C," Shotgun Honey (May 12, 2014).

Derringer Award Finalist, 2017, for "The Woman in the Briefcase," Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (March/April 2016).

Mathical Honor Book, for Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci (named April 2015).


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