denise kiernan

How to Find Records of Relatives Who Worked on the Manhattan Project

How to Find Records of Relatives Who Worked on the Manhattan Project

The popularity of the 2023 movie Oppenheimer has brought national attention once again to the Manhattan Project. My wife, who wrote a book about the subject, routinely gets emails from fans asking how they can find out definitively if a family member worked on the project during wartime. Here’s her response…

Denise's Second Interview on WRNR

Denise's Second Interview on WRNR

My wife, Denise Kiernan, did a somewhat last-minute interview this AM with Eastern Panhandle Talk, the morning talk radio and TV show for WRNR in Martinsburg, WV. It was a full 30-minute chat, mostly on the topic of We Gather Together, her 2020 book about the creation of the Thanksgiving holiday through the efforts of a crusading magazine editor named Sarah Josepha Hale.

This is the second time she’s appeared on this program. The last time was back in…

Denise Kiernan Book Tour Continues!

Denise Kiernan Book Tour Continues!

Three books events in the bag, more to go! My wife, Denise Kiernan, hits the road this week for another book event to promote her trio of titles about the creation of the Thanksgiving holiday. This time, her conversation partner in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, tomorrow, will be none other than yours truly. Yes, I know you’re excited. But do try to keep your cool. The interview portion will be brief. It’s billed as a family event, which means that after we talk, she’ll be showing some folks and their kids how to construct a gratitude wreath. Should be a fun event. The dates and times are all listed below…

In Today's WashPo...

In Today's WashPo...

My wife, Denise Kiernan, has an article in today’s Washington Post. It’s a review of a most excellent book about women who served in the CIA, from its WWII beginnings as the OSS to modern times. Denise really enjoyed the book, and it was a fun review to write. The text appeared online Friday, but you’ll find it in the print edition of the Sunday paper, in a story entitled:

The daring housewives and coffee fetchers behind America’s spy agency

Denise Kiernan Book Tour

Denise Kiernan Book Tour

My wife, Denise Kiernan, hits the road tomorrow for what will be the first of a couple of trips to promote her trio of books about the creation of the Thanksgiving holiday. As I’ve said before, these three books—one read for three different ages, kids, little kids, and adults—are NOT the story of Pilgrims and Native Americans. It’s a way better story than that. It touches on the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, and the crusading woman editor who lobbied for a national day of gratitude…

Denise's Interview on WRNR

Denise's Interview on WRNR

My wife, Denise Kiernan, did a fun interview last week with Eastern Panhandle Talk, the morning talk radio and TV show for WRNR in Martinsburg, WV. It’s a full 30-minute chat, mostly on the topic of The Girls of Atomic City, her 2013 bestselling book.

You can watch the video right here…

Sleuthsayers: Talking About Historical Mysteries...


I love reading tales in which real-life people are placed in fictional situations. The classic example of this is the novel Ragtime, which featured an ensemble cast of people such as Harry Houdini, JP Morgan, Henry Ford, Emma Goldman, and ton of others.

It’s a tricky thing to get right, and until now I’ve resisted playing in that particular sandbox. But that changes with the publication of my new short story in Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine this month. In that story, two real-life people—Nikola Tesla and Mark Twain—become the detectives in a case of commercial sabotage in 1893 New York.

I hope you’ll take the time to check it out.

You can check out the post here.

If you like my work, kindly consider bookmarking Sleuthsayers. The next post will be in three weeks, when I’ll be talking about Mother’s Day.

If you’re looking for reading material during your pandemic down-time, I hope you’ll consider one of my books or my wife’s. If ever there was a time for escapism, it’s now!

Check out Denise’s book here: We Gather Together.

The e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are available at almost every online retailer. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe. Yes, this wonderful bookstore is still operating, and shipping books all over the world.

Murder on Book Row and Sorceress Kringle, by Joseph D'Agnese

Credit: Bookshelf image at top by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

Sleuthsayers: Giving It Away for Free


If you’re a writer, friends inevitably ask for advice on how to get published. It’s a tricky situation, because not everyone has what it takes to go the distance in what has always been a difficult profession.

I’m talking about this over at the Sleuthsayers mystery writers blog today, and I’m finding that the comments alone are fascinating. LOTS of writers go through this in their careers.

I hope you’ll take the time to check it out.

You can check out the post here.

If you like my work, kindly consider bookmarking Sleuthsayers. The next post will be in three weeks, when I’ll be talking about one of my new short stories.

If you’re looking for reading material during your pandemic down-time, I hope you’ll consider one of my books or my wife’s. If ever there was a time for escapism, it’s now!

Check out Denise’s book here: We Gather Together.

The e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are available at almost every online retailer. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe. Yes, this wonderful bookstore is still operating, and shipping books all over the world.

Murder on Book Row and Sorceress Kringle, by Joseph D'Agnese

Credit: Bookshelf image at top by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

The Joy of Monotasking


A lot of my daily brain power is spent obsessing about productivity, which inevitably leads to LESS productivity.

Today I’m sharing some advice I’ve picked up over the years from other writers about how to get shit done. My essay touches on everything from Deep Work by Cal Newport, to the wisdom of Henry Miller, John Steinbeck, Carl Jung, and Elmore Leonard.

I also get a chance to show off my new, fancy-ass pencils.

I hope you’ll take the time to check it out.

You can check out the post here.

If you like my work, kindly consider bookmarking Sleuthsayers. The next post will be in three weeks, in April.

If you’re looking for reading material during your pandemic down-time, I hope you’ll consider one of my books or my wife’s. If ever there was a time for escapism, it’s now!

Check out Denise’s book here: We Gather Together.

The e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are available at almost every online retailer. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe. Yes, this wonderful bookstore is still operating, and shipping books all over the world.

Murder on Book Row and Sorceress Kringle, by Joseph D'Agnese

Credit: Bookshelf image at top by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

My Short-Lived Adventures as a Detective


Okay, I’m not proud of this, but back when I was a kid, I set up shop as a detective. That exploit lasted maybe a single day, since I had no freaking idea what I was doing.

Of course, I got the idea from reading the greatest series of kids’ books ever, namely the adventures of Encyclopedia Brown.

I share the story today at the Sleuthsayers mystery blog, and I also delve a bit in the history of those books and spotlight its legendary author, Donald J. Sobol.

I hope you’ll take the time to check it out.

You can check out the post here.

If you like my work, kindly consider bookmarking Sleuthsayers. The next post will be in three weeks, in March.

If you’re looking for reading material during your pandemic down-time, I hope you’ll consider one of my books or my wife’s. If ever there was a time for escapism, it’s now!

Check out Denise’s book here: We Gather Together.

The e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are available at almost every online retailer. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe. Yes, this wonderful bookstore is still operating, and shipping books all over the world.

Murder on Book Row and Sorceress Kringle, by Joseph D'Agnese

Credit: Bookshelf image at top by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

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