epic fantasy

Getting My Books for the 2021 Holidays

If you’re interested in getting some of my books for the holidays, you ought to act quickly. We’re getting closer to the last-order date at my local bookstore. I’ve resisted pushing people to order early because I really hate rushing the season, but I’ve spent the last couple of weeks in the company of booksellers, and I understand better what they’re up against.

If you prefer ebooks, you’re all set. The complete list of my book is here, on a single page. All my books are readily available at the usual online stores in e-book format. Just click the cover of the book you want, and choose your preferred store. The only exception is my children’s book on Fibonacci. That book is still only pubbed in print only.

A complete list of my wife’s books are here. The new Thanksgiving book is right at the top of the page.

Physical copies of our books—especially the new ones—are available via Amazon, B&N, and your local bookstore. If a store doesn’t have them, they can order them.

If you want books autographed by either of us, the best way to do that is to contact the indie bookstore in my town,  Malaprop’s, and order personalized, autographed copies of whatever tickles your fancy. Signed books make great gifts.

Here’s the skinny on signed books:

Call Malaprop’s directly at 1-800-441-9829 or 828-254-6734. Just tell them…

  1. Which book you want to order and the author’s name.

  2. Within certain limits, due to the ongoing supply-chain situation, we are striving still to do personalizations in books. The bookseller will know which books can be inscribed. So, let them know how you want the book personalized. To you? To the mother-in-law you’re always trying to suck up to? Your frenemy? Do you want it to say “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “Happy Thanksgiving,” “For a mystery buff,” or nothing at all?

  3. Give them your payment information and shipping address.

  4. Make sure you get your order in by December 6th for delivery by Christmas.

That’s it! Malaprop’s will have me or Denise sign, and they will ship your book out to you or to the person of your choice, autographed and ready to go.

But what about gift wrapping?

Yes indeed, they gift wrap–for FREE. I told you they were wonderful. So, you can have that autographed book gift-wrapped AND have a gift card slapped on it. That package of holiday reading cheer will be shipped wherever you want and will arrive ready to be slid under a tree, slipped into a (larger than usual) stocking, placed next to the menorah, or shipped to a loved one you hope to see in the very near future..

Can I order online?

Technically, yes, but calling is much more efficient, less ambiguous, and, in the long run, will take less of your time.

Which books of yours can I order?

All of them, really. My complete list is here, on a single page. (The Fibonacci book is here.)

Denise’s list is here.

Allow me to single out for your reading pleasure my two newest novels! They are:

Sorceress Kringle: The Woman Who Became Santa Claus

A gender-bending fantasy novel about Santa—the way you never imagined her.

Murder on Book Row

Meet the Book Lady. She sells books, eats well, and has a very large brain. Criminals fear her.

Happy shopping, and thanks for supporting a local independent author and bookstore!

Yes, I am trying to post here more often. Thank you for noticing. If you want to sign up for my newsletter and claim your collection of free ebooks, go here. Thanks!

Getting My Books for the 2020 Holidays

It seems that I’m an author who is in the holiday business. Three of my bestselling books focus (arguably) on the Fourth of July. I’ve got a major novel devoted to Christmas. And, if you want to count my wife, Denise Kiernan, she’s a hugely successful author whose latest title is devoted to the little-known history behind the Thanksgiving holiday. People always ask us how they can get our books, so I’m putting all the details you need into this post. I apologize for the early date, but 2020 is apt to be little challenging gift-wise.

The quick and dirty answer is, two ways. If you prefer ebooks, you’re all set. The complete list of my book is here, on a single page. All my books are readily available at the usual online stores in e-book format. Just click the cover of the book you want, and choose your preferred store. The only exception is my children’s book on Fibonacci. That book is still only pubbed in print only.

A complete list of my wife’s books are here. The new Thanksgiving book is right at the top of the page.

We Gather Together, by Denise Kiernan | Thanksgiving

Physical copies of our books—especially the new ones—are available via Amazon, B&N, and your local bookstore. If a store doesn’t have them, they can order them.

If you want books autographed by either of us, the best way to do that is to contact the bookstore in my town,  Malaprop’s, and order personalized, autographed copies of whatever tickles your fancy. Signed books make great gifts, and it’s still sounds funny to ask an author, “Please, will you autograph my Kobo?”

Here’s the skinny:

Call Malaprop’s directly at 1-800-441-9829 or 828-254-6734. Just tell them…

  1. Which book you want to order and the author’s name.

  2. Within certain limits, due to the pandemic situation, we are striving still to do personalizations in books. The bookseller will know which books can be inscribed. So, let them know how you want the book personalized. To you? To the mother-in-law you’re always trying to suck up to? Your frenemy? Do you want it to say “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “Happy Thanksgiving,” “For a mystery buff,” or nothing at all?

  3. Give them your payment information and shipping address.

  4. Make sure you get your order in by December 15th for delivery by Christmas.

That’s it! Malaprop’s will have me or Denise sign, and they will ship your book out to you or to the person of your choice, autographed and ready to go.

But what about gift wrapping?

Yes indeed, they gift wrap–for FREE. I told you they were wonderful. So, you can have that autographed book gift-wrapped AND have a gift card slapped on it. That package of holiday reading cheer will be shipped wherever you want and will arrive ready to be slid under a tree, slipped into a (larger than usual) stocking, placed next to the menorah, or shipped to a loved one you hope to see in the very near future..

Can I order online?

Technically, yes, but calling is much more efficient, less ambiguous, and, in the long run, will take less of your time.

Which books of yours can I order?

All of them, really. My complete list is here, on a single page. (The Fibonacci book is here.)

Denise’s list is here.

Allow me to single out for your reading pleasure my two newest novels! They are:

Sorceress Kringle: The Woman Who Became Santa Claus

A gender-bending fantasy novel about Santa—the way you never imagined her.

Ebook on sale through Dec. 26

Murder on Book Row

Meet the Book Lady. She sells books, eats well, and has a very large brain. Criminals fear her.

Ebook on sale through Dec. 26

Happy shopping, and thanks for supporting a local independent author and bookstore!

Yes, I am trying to post here more often. Thank you for noticing. If you want to sign up for my newsletter and claim your collection of free ebooks, go here. Thanks!

Talking About My Story in Alfred Hitchcock's Magazine

Sleuthsayers blog logo

I did a guest post at the mystery writers blog, Sleuthsayers, this week, on the subject of the origins behind my latest short story in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine.

The story is called “The Detective Who Stopped By Bedford Street,” and it appears in the Jan/Feb 2020 issue of the popular mystery magazine.

But as usual, the story behind the story reaches back (in part) to my childhood growing up in New Jersey. The other part has to do with thriller movies, an old John Cheever story, and a particular New York City shop I used to walk past on my way to work at Scholastic back in the day.

The link to the blog post is here.

If nothing else, you’ll get to see an old postcard I found of my hometown back in the day. Check it out, if you have an interest in such things.

The Detective Who Stopped by Bedford Street, by Joseph D'Agnese | Image by Denise Kiernan


Just a reminder: the e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are available at almost every online retailer. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe.

That Time I was 15 and Wrote a Novel

Sleuthsayers blog logo

Today I’m guest-posting at the mystery writers blog, Sleuthsayers, talking about two things—how I became a writer, and the curious path to publication of my latest novel, Murder on Book Row. Yes, believe it or not, the two are heavily intertwined, although separated by the span of some 40 years!

I don’t usually talk about my childhood, but the only way to talk about my obsession with mystery novels is to jump back in time to 1979, when I thought I could just sit outside on my parents’ patio and bang out a novel in the course of a summer. The results, as you’ll see, were not what any of us expected.

The link to the blog post is here.

If nothing else, you’ll get the inside scoop behind this photo of me, taken in my parents’ garage in New Jersey back in the 1970s.

Garage photo, circa 1979.


Just a reminder: the e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are on sale until the day after Christmas. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe.

How to Get My Books for the Holidays

It’s gift season once again, and people always ask how they can get my books. So I’m putting all the info into this one post.

The quick and dirty answer is, two ways. If you prefer ebooks, you’re all set. The complete list is here, on a single page. All my books are readily available at the usual online stores in e-book format. Just click the cover of the book you want, and choose your preferred store. The only exception is my children’s book on Fibonacci. That book is still only pubbed in print only.

Physical copies of my books—especially the new ones—are available via Amazon, B&N, and your local bookstore. If a store doesn’t have them, they can order them.

If you want books autographed by me, the best way to do that is to contact the bookstore in my town,  Malaprop’s, and order personalized, autographed copies of whatever tickles your fancy. Signed books make great gifts, and it’s still sounds funny to ask an author, “Please, will you autograph my Kobo?”

Here’s the skinny:

Call Malaprop’s directly at 1-800-441-9829 or 828-254-6734. Just tell them…

  1. Which book you want to order and the author’s name. (That would be me, Cheezmo Q. Daggy.)

  2. How do you want the book personalized? To you? To the mother-in-law you’re always trying to suck up to? Your frenemy? Do you want it to say “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “For a mystery buff,” or nothing at all?

  3. Give them your payment information and shipping address.

  4. Make sure you get your order in by December 17th for delivery by Christmas.

That’s it! Malaprop’s will summon me to sign, and they will ship your book out to you or to the person of your choice, autographed and ready to go.

But what about gift wrapping?

Yes indeed, they gift wrap–for FREE. I told you they were wonderful. So, you can have that autographed book gift-wrapped AND have a gift card slapped on it. That package of holiday reading cheer will be shipped wherever you want and will arrive ready to be shoved under a tree, stuck in a (larger than usual) stocking, placed next to the menorah, or swapped at an office party.

Can I order online?

Technically, yes, but calling is much more efficient, less ambiguous, and, in the long run, will take less of your time.

Which books of yours can I order?

All of them, really. The complete list is here, on a single page. (The Fibonacci book is here.)

Allow me to single out for your reading pleasure the two novels that are NEW this Christmas! They are:

Sorceress Kringle: The Woman Who Became Santa Claus

A gender-bending fantasy novel about Santa–the way you never imagined her.

Ebook on sale through Dec. 26

Murder on Book Row

Meet the Book Lady. She sells books, eats well, and has a very large brain. Criminals fear her.

Ebook on sale through Dec. 26

Happy shopping, and thanks for supporting a local independent author and bookstore!

Yes, I am trying to post here more often. Thank you for noticing. If you want to sign up for my newsletter and claim your collection of free ebooks, go here. Thanks!

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