That Time I was 15 and Wrote a Novel

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Today I’m guest-posting at the mystery writers blog, Sleuthsayers, talking about two things—how I became a writer, and the curious path to publication of my latest novel, Murder on Book Row. Yes, believe it or not, the two are heavily intertwined, although separated by the span of some 40 years!

I don’t usually talk about my childhood, but the only way to talk about my obsession with mystery novels is to jump back in time to 1979, when I thought I could just sit outside on my parents’ patio and bang out a novel in the course of a summer. The results, as you’ll see, were not what any of us expected.

The link to the blog post is here.

If nothing else, you’ll get the inside scoop behind this photo of me, taken in my parents’ garage in New Jersey back in the 1970s.

Garage photo, circa 1979.


Just a reminder: the e-book versions of both of my two most recent books, Murder on Book Row and the fantasy novel, Sorceress Kringle, are on sale until the day after Christmas. You can order print copies at the usual suspects online, or autographed copies from Malaprop’s, the bookstore in my nabe.