Fibers & Fibonacci: The Return!

Fibonacci potholders.

Fibonacci potholders.

Here’s more of my exchange with the leader of a weaving camp for kids. Above and below are shot of the creations the children made using the Fibonacci Sequence...

Dear Joe,

Heritage Weavers & Fiber Artists have just completed a 2nd week of Fibers Arts Camp for Kids using Blockhead, the Life of Fibonacci as the focus. You would have enjoyed the closing ceremony where the campers demonstrated the activities they learned. They explained the concept of Blockhead, the Life of Fibonacci, and demonstrated how they used the sequence to plan both the potholder project and the width of stripes used in weaving a book bag. 

Fibonacci book bags.

Fibonacci book bags.

 I am including 2 pictures this time—more potholders (top) and a picture of the finished book bags (below).  Using the sequence for proportion of the stripes seems to make any color combination pleasing to the eye.

 We will look forward to meeting you at your next book signing in our area.

Ruth Howe, HWFA Camp Director

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