Quick Announcement re: Social Media

Basically, social media blows. After 12 years of experimenting with various sites, for the sake of my sanity I’ve deleted the last two major accounts I was using—Twitter and Instagram. (They were preceded in death by my Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+ accounts and whatever else I was using). And yes, I have lots to say about this decision. I know that this choice will make it more difficult to stay in touch with folks, but the website isn’t going anywhere, nor are occasional updates on this blog.

I talked about his decision more extensively in a blog post at SleuthSayers, entitled: Five Things That Convinced Me to Dump Social Media.

For the record: My Twitter and IG accounts are dead and gone as of June 1, 2022.. If you are interacting with me on those platforms, you are probably following a fake account or some other person with my name.

The only account I have retained, for professional reasons, is Linkedin. Oh—and I do have a YouTube account. Not really sure if either of them really count as social media, But there you have it.

How do I feel about all this? Pretty freaking good, actually. (See image above. Not me, but you get the idea.) I am planning a longer post in the future to delve into my reasons and rationale. But I thought it was important to mention this now.

Image by @jasonhogan via Unsplash.