Advent Ghosts 2014

Today I’m participating in the 100-word #adventghosts2014 flash fiction event run by writer Loren Eaton. Here’s my piece. Links to all of this year’s stories are here.

Assassin in Jack’s Backyard, AD 1660

“Are you…a demon?”

I straddled his chest and peered into his eyes.

“I am the frost at the pane. I am the art in the flake. I am the cold that will enshroud your grave forever. My name is Winter.”

“Damn you, then!”

Mine is the touch of the north and south, the touch of the wind, the touch of the tundra, the horrible frigid blade that bleeds feet, frosts toes, stills hearts, and rends minds.

He was a fair chunk of ice, he was, when I smacked his face and sent his head across the drifts of snow.

Copyright 2014 Joseph D’Agnese

My 2013 and 2012 contributions are here.

Image by @mharrisonphotography via Unsplash.